Use "sharper|sharpers" in a sentence

1. The deepening ticked pain, sharper and sharper, into his ears.

2. A lot sharper.

3. Ohio Apexing — Sharper Knife // Sharper Life Premium knife sharpening service proudly based in Columbus, Ohio.

4. Sharper than a Mongolian's arrow.

5. The American recoil was sharper.

6. Or kept a sharper look out for the paparazzi.

7. Forgetting times arrows are sharper than knives.

8. It's similar to a period cramp but sharper.

9. The issue must be brought into sharper focus.

10. This increase creates a sharper interface at the same physical dimensions.

11. He desperately needs to draw a sharper line here.

12. Sony Betamax video recorders – Sharper pictures (1984) There’s only one feature missing from all VHS recorders that’s standard with a Betamax: A sharper picture

13. Transitions or radii that are sharper than original design.

14. Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.

15. (b) How is God’s word “sharper than any two-edged sword”?

16. When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point.

17. They are asked to do the same with a pointy, sharper shape.

18. He was much sharper off the leg and could suddenly canter!

19. The piglet made short little satisfied grunts and turned ever sharper corners.

20. Synonyms for Chiseler include swindler, cheat, fraudster, trickster, hoaxer, shark, cheater, bilker, sharper and dodger

21. 30 The company's restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key growth markets.

22. And new 19 - inch units offer such tantalizing features as sharper and more colorful displays.

23. Subtly sharper than spinach, Collard greens are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

24. 21 synonyms for Chiseler: bilk, cheat, cheater, cozener, defrauder, rook, sharper, swindler, trickster

25. □ How is God’s word alive, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword?

26. Surely they can't begrudge us for being a tad sharper round the bends?

27. 83 synonyms for Bastard: rogue, criminal, sharper, fraud, cheat, devil, crook, villain, charlatan

28. The picture of the rejection of femininity is thus brought into sharper focus.

29. February gasoline suffered a sharper decline, down 83 cents at 65 cents a gallon.

30. Its claws were sharper than mortals' swords and could cut through any armor.

31. 16 The message in God’s written Word is “sharper than any two-edged sword.”

32. Henry Lawson wrote "He was meaner than a gold fields Chinaman and sharper than a sewer rat".

33. 29 How sharper than a serpent's tooth is to have a thankless child. 

34. 23 Surely they can't begrudge us for being a tad sharper round the bends?

35. The company's restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key growth markets.

36. (Hebrews 4:12) Yes, God’s word, or message, is “sharper than any two-edged sword.”

37. The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster.

38. The W221 features sharper exterior styling (most notably wide fender arcs) and technological improvements.

39. The higher the resolution, the smoother the curves and the sharper the lines become.

40. Synonyms for Brainier include brighter, cleverer, smarter, faster, keener, nimbler, quicker, sharper, abler and swottier

41. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Chiseler"): card shark; card sharp; card sharper; cardsharp; cardsharper; sharper; sharpie; sharpy (a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games)

42. Cardsharp - a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games card shark, card sharp, card sharper, Cardsharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy card player - someone who plays (or knows how to play) card games

43. Synonyms for Brusker include curter, brusquer, blunter, shorter, ruder, impoliter, terser, gruffer, sharper and bluffer

44. Chemistry's the missing tool, and every day our tool gets sharper and gets more precise.

45. MLS, in the middle of their season , were sharper than Chelsea, and displayed some good skills.

46. Synonyms for Acuter include higher, higher-pitched, sharper, shriller, shriekier, stronger, fiercer, stormier, harsher and gustier

47. The Backsword gives us a more acute triangular section, therefore a sharper cutting edge - advantage Backsword

48. An up-front market study can provide valuable insights and provide sharper focus for the subsequent search.

49. It was Julie who had the sharper, more ambitious business mind and Tim is proud that it should have been so.

50. The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl, gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle.

51. She was sharp-eyed and even sharper of tongue, but the bond of affection between them was unbreakable.

52. 17 At this point, Shu - ying borrowed Chueh - min's piccolo, saying , " That flute's too reedy. This is sharper. ".

53. Add the DFX Audio Enhancer to DivX Player to make your videos sound sharper and pack more punch.

54. It would be easy to cut their threads any time with a little sharper blast from the north.

55. The banning of the annual sea dump brought the issue of nuclear waste disposal into even sharper focus.

56. Both Chert and flint have a smooth, curved (conchoidal) fracture, but flint tends to break with thinner, sharper edges

57. Its flavor is sharper and less subtle, and the bark is thicker than that of the Ceylon cinnamon tree.

58. While those are powerful arguments, more speed, extra refinement and sharper handling would put it right on the pace.

59. Show him you are sensitive to his needs with a gift certificate to that utopia of contraptions, Sharper Image.

60. Anything but: the tannins causeyou to salivate more, and the more saliva you produce, the sharper yoursense of taste.

61. The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.

62. At most ski resorts, large and small, there has been a sharper focus on day-care facilities and staff.

63. The split rock is slow to fall, the gravitational force being lower and the angle of fall correspondingly sharper.

64. As for me, I was just a down-at-the-heels sharper... with one bad lung, looking for a stake.

65. This blend of equal parts Syrah and Grenache balances Syrah's sharper, Bramblier edges and piercing cassis flavors against the richness and suppleness of Grenache

66. As the views of parents as consumers become increasingly important so the need for sensitivity towards their views becomes sharper.

67. The Quick Answer on Rollerball & Ballpoint Pen Differences: Rollerball pens use water-based inks, and writing is sharper and more vibrant

68. OM:And Spot and Listen are based off of Wisdom. So my senses are sharper than when I was a young whippersnapper like you!

69. Sky Definition Aero Systems monitors with cutting edge 4K/UHD technology enhance the viewing experience by producing images with sharper and Crisper detail

70. Acuteness is the noun form of the adjective "acute." You have heard this term used in geometry to describe a sharper angle

71. Artificial intelligence makes blurry faces look more than 60 times sharper: This AI turns even the Blurriest photo into realistic computer-generated faces in HD

72. Above, haye plain but sharper Architraval mouldings, and this trim appears to date ‘from ‘the latter part of the XVII I century rather than the first

73. When compared to Western artists such as Justin Bieber and One Direction, Big Bang's performance were noted for having their "edges crisper, the sound louder, the dancing sharper".

74. Albumen prints will definitely be sharper than salt prints because the salt emulsion is IN the paper, thus the paper texture has an impact on image resolution

75. (Numbers 14:39-45) Jehovah’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword, and anyone deliberately ignoring it is certain to reap the consequences.—Galatians 6:7-9.

76. "Apochromatic lenses are specifically coated so that all of the visible wavelengths are focused to one plane, which produces a much sharper, higher contrast, more well-defined image.

77. The first are sharper than average canine teeth, the second is Bitingly cold skin and the third is a solid ring of gold around the black of their irises

78. Above, have plain but sharper Architraval mouldings, and this trim appears to date from the latter part of the XVIII century rather than the first half, probably See Continuation Sheet 1

79. Sharpens Mental Alertness & Focus - Our brain support supplement works by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, giving you better memory, sharper concentration and improved mood

80. 15 Berlin is sharper still on his own thin-skinned self. He belittles his large philosophical gifts, finds publication an agony and worries to correspondents that his work is rot.